Saturday, December 28, 2013

Goodbye Xmas

I love decorating for Christmas and the earlier in the year the decorations go up, the better.  I've even been known to put up the tree on Halloween during treat-or-treating in between passing out candy to the little kiddos.  However, after the gifts are opened on Christmas day, I want the stuff down.  D.O.W.N.   It's over, time to move on. 

Pre-Kira, I would start taking the stuff down Christmas night.  The family doesn't let me get away with that anymore, but there was zero resistance to my taking stuff down this weekend.  Yesterday, my Christmas cow village came down to make way for my chicken display on the table in my foyer (I have this weird thing for barn yard animal collectibles...always have).  It's in the fifties outside, so I next went after the outdoor decorations.  Doing good, no one has stopped me yet.  Then Dave decided that since it's going to get cold again next week, maybe it's a good thing to get the tree down and back into the barn before the weather turns.  SCORE!!!! Now I've been given license to take everything down and I've been doing the happy dance all afternoon as I wrap up the ornaments and the rest of the Christmas trappings!!

I know some people wait until New Years or even the Epiphany to take the decorations down, but as an accountant, I've always gotten super busy at work right after the holidays and if the decorations don't come down before Christmas break ends, there's a good chance they'll be up until March.  That's my defense and I'm sticking to it!


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