Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Big Game

Today I have a pretty significant dilemna.  About 8 months ago, my mom asked me to attend her church's 50th anniversary celebration, which is today.  We agreed, paid the money for the catered luncheon and marked the date on the calendar.  THEN, Kira's soccer team headed off to their tournament games, which have been going on both days of the weekend since last weekend.  The girls won their game yesterday and now they are in the championships, which are happening at the same time as today's celebration at my mom's church.  There's no way we could have known this, or predicted this back when we were asked to attend.  Making it to the championship game isn't a given in any soccer season, so this is a pretty significant event for Kira.  I cannot be at two places at the same time and someone is going to be mad at me by lunch today.

I am just sick over this situation and very very upset.  I don't want to upset my mom, but I don't want to upset Kira either.  So, the compromise I have  made is we will all attend the church service itself, Dave and Kira will leave early to get to warm ups and I'll leave a little bit later to get there by game time.  Then, if the party is still going on after the game, we'll stop back by the church.  It's the best I can do in a very sticky situation, but I will not miss my daughter's big game.  That's asking way too much of a mother.

So, for anyone reading my blog who is mad at me over this, I'm sorry.  I will do the best I can, but someone will not be completely happy with my decision.  That's just life.
I will, however, be overdressed for the soccer game today because I don't have time to change.

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