Thursday, August 29, 2013

What Ohioans Love

My cousin, who now lives in Missouri, posted this on Facebook today regarding things Ohioans love.  This is so true.

1. Ohio State football - Ohioans are insanely nuts about OSU football.  Even if you didn't actually GO to OSU.  Oh, and we hate Michigan State.  Really hate.             
2. Being a swing state - It makes us feel important.                    
3. Ranch dressing - Ranch dressing is everywhere and people even it on their French fries.  Kira is currently eating it on her carrots.                     
4. Hating Lebron - oh yeah, he did us wrong and he can rot.       
5. Mountain Dew - I'm a Diet Coke fan, but I certainly know a ton of people who love their Mountain Dew.                   
6. Referring to random parts of random towns and cities as “downtown” - what else would you call them?
7. Sperrys - I did not realize this was a state wide problem.  I thought it was just me.
8. Donatos  - not my favorite.                    
9. American-made cars - we're neighbors with Michigan.  This was bound to happen.                     
10. Defending the Cleveland Browns  - I have family who do this.  We're Bengals fans here.                    
11. Chinese buffets - oh yeah...yummy.
12. Dating their high school sweetheart far into college… or, eventually, just marrying them. - Married mine!  Started dating beginning of senior year in high school!
13. Cedar Point - went there as a kid.  It was fun.
14. Referring to soda strictly as “pop” - It is called pop.  I'm not sure why people think this is odd.
15. Most restaurant chains (namely: Panera, Olive Garden, Chipotle, and Outback — I could go on) - Yep
16. Their high school - we are very serious about this.  State wide football playoffs and the state championships are a big big big deal.  I have a cousin who lives in Kentucky now who dresses her kids in toddler t-shirts from our high school.   
17. Wearing athletic clothing while having no intention of working out - guilty!
18. Chicken bacon ranch pizza and sandwiches - uh, no.      
19. Drive-thrus in general - yes, this is true.
20. Saying “you’re fine” instead of “no problem” or “no worries” - who says the other phrases?
21. Skyline Chili - people love it.  Personally, I think it's gross.                  
22. Cornhole - people even play it in their front yards.  The company I work for has an annual tournament.  It's basically a bean bag toss for those of you who don't know what it is.            
23. Claiming to live in a city but really living in a suburb - I live in the city of West Carrollton, but I tell everyone I live in Dayton.                  
24. “The range” - I'm assuming this is the driving range.
25. Referring to sneakers strictly as “tennis shoes” or “tennys - who calls them sneakers?
26. Graeter’s ice cream  - also super yummy and super bad for you.                     
27. Going to the beach aka Lake Erie - it's the closest beach to us.
28. Referring to vacuums as “sweepers” - yes this is true because you sweep the floor with them.              
29. Wendy’s - This is the "special" restaurant my daughter and her grandmother frequent.  It's really good fast food!
30. Being “the birthplace of aviation”
Kittyhawk, NC claims to be the birthplace of aviation, but the Wright Brothers just flew the plane there.  The idea was formulated, designed and developed in my home town of Dayton, Ohio and we are quite territorial over this fact.  I've actually gotten my fur in a fluff when I've been talking to people about this and they don't realize this major fact regarding where the plane was truly born.  One unsuspecting auditor got an earful at dinner a couple of years ago concerning this very point!

Here's to Ohio!

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