Wednesday, May 30, 2012


 Kira was reading about goldfish over the weekend and surprisingly, then can live for up to 20 years and the oldest documented goldfish was 40 years old.  We have three goldfish currently; Brittany II, Blackie, and Spot.  So far, we've had Spot and Blackie for quite some time and Brittany II replaced Brittany the First who passed away several months ago.  The  "Goldfish Project" has been going on since Kira started first grade because she was upset when we took the kindergarten class turtle back to school after babysitting it all summer before she started first grade.  I didn't promise her the goldfish - Dave did, but the goldfish have become my responsibility and don't tell Dave and Kira, but I kind of like them.

So, in honor of  my fish friends and their longevity, I busted out my koi pin this morning.  I have an impressive number of vintage as well as newer brooches and I go through phases when I want to wear them.  I'm really rockin' the zoo today because I busted out my giraffe shoes as well.

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